Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Paula's Hearts

Susan's Round Robin Block
This is the last block I had to do for this Round Robin. I am ready for a break.
TAST Feather Stitch
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Marci's Round Robin Block

I was looking at the work I had done on Marci's Round Robin block for my "Just A Little Crazy Stitcher's" Crazy Quilt club, and I decided that my block for her needed some more work. I wanted to do a Raggedy Ann embroidery with a punch needle.
I spent two days looking for my punch needle. I just knew that I had put it in "that safe place". I tore my sewing room apart, three times, and no punch needle. Argh!
I finally decided that I would go out and buy another one but wouldn't you know it, the place that once had had them, no longer did, so.... back home to look again. Well, the third time I looked in that box, there it was!
I made this little embroidery today. I think punch needle can be fun and has so many possible uses. It really is easy to do. I used a single strand punch needle for Ann.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
TAST Chevron Stitch

The Tast (Take a Stitch Tuesday) Challenge is hosted by Sharon B at http://inaminuteago.com
"Paula's Hearts" quilt
Thursday, January 25, 2007
"Just A Little Crazy Stitcher's" Round Robin
How this one works is everyone selects a theme for their quilt and some even include a theme fabric that must be used in the blocks along with other guidelines. We make our own prototype block. This will be used as a guide for the other blocks.
Every month, we each make and embellish a complete block for one of the members of the round robin. When we meet for our club, we swap the packet with the round robin blocks to another member of the group and they have a month to make a block to add to the packet.
We have 12 people in this current round robin, so at the end of the year of working on these, we will each have 12 blocks to make a complete crazy quilt.

For Grace's block, she had the bird fabric for her theme. I made the block with a Spring look to it with flowers.

For Patty's block, she had an oriental theme and chose Japanese fabrics. I have a collection of Japanese fabrics myself so I was able to add a few of my own.

TAST Cretan Stitch

Saturday, January 20, 2007

They ended up looking somewhat primitive. This is on Victoria's block that is part of a Round Robin I am in. The theme of her blocks is "Buttons and Bows and Kiddo's".