I have been stitching on my 2012 CQ. I work a very full time job. Many times 10 hours, or more, a day so the stitching has been going slow. I wish I was a housewife that could stay home and clean house and cook and work on my quilts. I never would have said that when I was Young. I was stupid! I know better now but.....
I decided that because my fabrics are so bold and modern that I needed to start with some heavier threads. I used size #8. I will layer them with other size threads as I work. Probably a lot of #12 which is my favorite size to use.
I am also working on all the blocks at the same time, and spreading the stitching out. My past experience taught me to do this. It will keep the blocks looking evenly embellished. If I work on one block until done and then start on the next, I don't know that it will look even and equal when I put it together.
These are basic stitches and will be added on to, to layer them. They need to be bold in order to show up with these fabrics and colors. I may even use some metallics with them. I am not sure yet. I am going to let it talk to me as I work on it. This is definitely the boldest quilt I have ever done.

These are my threads that I am using. That is a gallon bag full of
Art Fabrik hand dyed variegated threads! Love them!!!! They are my absolute favorite threads. They come in 5, 8, 12, and floss. A little pricey but there is a lot in a skein. I also love the
Presentia Finca solid color threads. The colors are very nice. Stay away from the variegated. They don't work well for embroidery because the variegation's are too far apart.

This is Bruce. I Love these photos. He hates them. He will be horrified that I put them on my blog. LOL! Too bad! He didn't want me to take his picture.

Tough guy! "Ok, put the camera down!" Priceless!

I went to the LA County Fair with Jeanne, Dorene, and Jan a couple of weeks ago. I have never been to a fair. It was hot and crowded. I am not sure I would do it again. They had a few CQ's. I took some pictures. I do not know who made them. The display was not done very well. Most of the quilts were folded and the lighting was terrible. They were in glass cases so you could not get close to them.

This doll had a nice little CQ jacket.