This is an amazing CQ that I wish I could see close up. The embroidery reminds me of a CQ that was at the Crazy Quilt Conference in Omaha years ago in a display that Cindy Brick curated. It was all farm animals, geese, ducks, etc. It may also be in Penny McMorris's Crazy Quilt book too. I will have to check that out. I wonder if the same person did this CQ.
Anyway, this is beautiful and I love the fabrics in it too. Enjoy!

I have 3 Old Cats so you know I love this block! I love the way the kittens are embroidered over the Momma cat.

Ah, fans! Isn't this a cool way to set them?

This takes outline embroidery to a new level!



This CQ appears to be unfinished, I think. Why didn't it get done? Don't you wish that you could talk to the maker?
I will continue to look through my pictures and post more. Check back.