Tuesday, August 24, 2010

2012 Quilt Frustration

Ok, I am struggling. My Husband doesn't like my colors of this quilt. It is not his thing. He likes pastels. I like jewels. He told me it looks dark. Dark???? I don't see that. What are you going to do?

I have put these strips in between the fans. Is it ok? I am totally second guessing myself with this. Do you do this too. I may take the green center out and put a regular block in there. I am not sure yet.

I am most worried about the fans. I don't know what else to do there. I am tired of re-doing blocks with this quilt. Can you tell I am getting frustrated? Let me know what you think about the fans and strips in between.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Vintage Linens Quilt and "My Fair Ladies" Round Robin

I finished the border of my Vintage Linens quilt in time to put it at The Fabric Patch Quilt Shop where I will be teaching how to make it in September. I strip pieced the border and used vintage linen hankies at the corners. They have a multi-colored, crocheted edge. If you are in Southern California, you can see it in Montclair at the shop.

I sent the "My Fair Ladies" Round Robin quilt to Marci yesterday to hang in the Northland Needlers quilt show on September 18 & 19, 2010 in Kansas City, Missouri. There will be a large Crazy Quilt display from the "Just a Little Crazy Stitcher's Club.
I took some additional pictures showing the border. The pictures are not the best but I didn't realize it until I started the blog post today.

Here is the border embroidery with crystals. It gives it a little glisten and pop. Very simple.