Saturday, August 07, 2010

2012 Crazy Quilt Challenge

Here is my plan again for the 2012 CQ Challenge. I have selected fabrics for the borders and outside the fans.

The purple fabric will be around the fans. The emerald green will be the half squares on the outside and this fantastic hand dyed African fabric from Ba Ba Blankets will be the border. I am going to cut it so it appears as stripes. Just like in the photo.

I have the fans pieced.

Piecing the CQ blocks.

All the blocks pieced.

The emerald fabric in the middle is the same as the outside fabric. I think I will do embroidery in the center although things could change.


Willa said...

Wow Kerry! This is impressive. i really like the way you drew it out. I might get more stuff done if I started doing that. I will be watching your progress! You can actually meet the deadline if you keep chugging!

Rengin Yazitas said...

Hi Kerri,
Your new project is stunning. I'm looking forward to see its final. If you don't mind I would like to save your pattern to get inspired for my future projects.
Best wishes,
Rengin, in Istanbul

Amanda said...

That is so beautiful.