Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Cancer Update

We got a bit of good news. The mass in Bruce's lung has shrunk form 9 cm to 4 cm so the chemo is working! Now for the brain MRI to see if the radiation has worked on the tumors there.


Cedar Ridge Studio said...

Good news will keep you all in my prayers

Jennifer said...

Best Wishes for good news!!!! I have a freind who is a survivor I know your hubby can do it too!!!!

gocrazywithme said...

I hope you'll keep us posted, Kerri. So glad things are looking up for you and your DH.

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

Very good news, Kerry.
Prayers really do work.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to hear your good news. You are in my thoughts and what passes for prayer for me.

allie aller said...

Thanks for the update, Kerri...glad it is good news! That is such a sweet picture of you two... ;-)

Celtic Heart said...

Excellent news. I have a two brain cancer survivor friends too. Sending lots of good wishes and prayers your way.

Martha said...

Kerri, I found your crazy quilt website some time ago and stumbled upon it again. I love your quilts. I hope you have plans to continue the blog. I hope the months since the last blog on Nov. 2 have been hopeful for you and your husband.