Monday, June 01, 2009

We have Baby Birds!

On our front porch, we have a plant. This plant was given to me 30 years ago, the day after I married my Husband, by my Mom. We were leaving to move to a little town in Northern Iowa. Charles City, Iowa.

When we moved to California in February, we were worried that they wouldn't let us bring it into the state because they have road check points to make sure you don't bring in any fresh fruit or vegetables. I have had this plant as long as I have been Married so it is a part of our family.

A couple of weeks ago, every time we would walk out the front door, a bird would fly off of the porch. It took a few days to realize that a bird had built a nest in the plant. I think it had 3 pretty little blue eggs in it. I tried not to disturb them too much.

They hatched sometime late Saturday or early Sunday morning. They are so cute and fuzzy. It is cold here in the morning so she has her work cut out for her. I believe they are either House Finches or Purple Finches. It is really hard to see how many are in there because you can't tell where one ends and the other one begins.

I will keep you posted on our babies and I will take some pictures as they grow. I am so excited to have them nest in such an important plant, as my 30 year old Spider Plant!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

the birds look like purple finches to me-but I am no bird woman.

hey check out my flick account-jkreirnanhale and you will see what I have been up too. Not to boast but I have two pieces accepted to a gallery show in columbia mo-the two that I showed the CQ group autoum and red sea on my flickr acct.